Friday, January 2, 2009


Approximately 1.4 hours playing time since the previous blog post where I was stuck at the air duct, and I finish the game.  I'll try to be careful what I say here, don't want to spoil this for anybody.  6.6 hours past two weeks.

I think it took about 7 to 8 hours.  But wow, the ending was good.

So after I get out of the air duct I land in the room of turrets.  They were fun.  I run around and end up at this Aparture Science section with various offices and meeting rooms.  Oh and GLaDOSes core.  Wasn't that a treat!  Highlight to read.Many taunts and sarcasm, and plenty of neurotoxin!  The first time I tried this bit I did it all too slowly, and the neurotoxin went to my head.   So the second time around I dropped the cores on the floor in front of the incinerator, and portaled myself to the button, and portaled the core in the hole, much like they intended.  Then I had enough time for the last core, stuck on the air.

And then I get the nice ending sequence and ... the Still Alive song.  Such a cool song that.

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