Friday, October 9, 2015

Live Blogging Nexus 5 Marshmellow Upgrade

2151: I push Restart and Install. It then restarts to the Android updating screen.

2158: It's still showing the Installing System Update animation.

2159: It just vibrated and restarted. It's now showing this awesome flower and dots animation.

Video from Android Police.

2201: It's now optimising my apps. Up to now the process has gone surprisingly fast. Though usually, this app optimising stage is the slowest anyway.

2204: It's still optimising. Now up to 25 of 118!

2022: 66 of 118! Wow, this is more than double the time it took to "install" the new operating system... And it's only about half way through...

2033:20: 113 of 118, and the phone is getting pretty hot now.

2033:40: 117 of 118. Nearly there!

2234: Finishing boot!

2235: It's done! Finally!

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